Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Local Initiatives


Participants : Laurence Duchien, Antonio de Almeida Souza Neto, Anne-Françoise Le Meur.

The CALICO ADT (Action de Développement Technologique) is an ADT local to the INRIA Lille Nord Europe Center that aims to maintain and develop the CALICO framework (cf. section 5.2 ). The architecture of CALICO is based on a co-evolution approach where the model level enables software architects to describe and reason on application properties, and the runtime level holds the running application executed on a given platform. CALICO is generic and extensible in terms of target platforms, analyses at the model level, etc. This particularity makes CALICO a framework that could federate several of the ADAM research works and integrate external contributions. Antonio de Almeida Souza Neto (newly graduated engineer) has been recruited in the context of this INRIA ADT.


Participants : Laurence Duchien, Christophe Demarey, Clément Quinton.

The UbInnov ADT (Action de Développement Technologique) aims at building a Software Product Line (SPL) for mobile applications named AppliDE reusing the technologies developed in the ADAM project-team. UbInnov aims to industrialize AppliDE, a software product line for mobile applications (iPhone, Android). With AppliDE, the development time of a mobile application is significantly reduced thanks to an automatic generation of code. The generated code supports required features from the device, such as geolocation, camera or connection to external services. Clément Quinton (INRIA ADAM New Graduate Engineer) has been recruited to achieve this task. The results have been published in [40] .


Participants : Gwenael Cattez, Christophe Demarey, Philippe Merle.

The Adapt ADT (Action de Développement Technologique) is a local ADT of the Inria Lille - Nord Europe Center and aims at building a demonstrator of our ADAM software technologies in the application domain of smart digital homes. Firstly, this demonstrator will show adaptive and reflective capabilities of FraSCAti 5.4 , i.e., supporting various implementation languages (e.g., Java, WS-BPEL, scripting languages, template technologies) to develop business components, supporting various remote communication protocols (e.g., SOAP, REST, JMS, JGroups) to access and expose services, supporting various non functional properties, deploying business components on demand, and reconfiguring business applications/components/services at runtime. Secondly, these capabilities will be illustrated on several ambient intelligence scenarios, e.g., Fire Emergency and Home Automation. Thirdly, this demonstrator will integrate our recent and future scientific results in the domains of dynamic software product lines, autonomic computing, control loops, complex event processing, energy control, etc. Gwenael Cattez (newly graduated engineer) has been recruited in the context of this Inria ADT.